Online Puja Services

Hindu Aadi Sale Begins in Coimbatore

COIMBATORE, JULY 17, 2013: What better way to celebrate the so-called ‘inauspicious’ month of Aadi, than indulge in a shopping binge?

Gone are the days when families were just content to perform a puja at a temple to thwart the ill-effects of the inauspicious month. Today, the retail sector has virtually taken over Aadi.

Besides marriage halls offering special discounts for conducting engagement ceremonies, every retailer and manufacturer works out special offers and discounts to attract the consumer.

The Hindu Aadi Shopping Festival 2013 is one such event.

The second edition of this festival begins on July 19 at the Codissia Trade Fair Grounds here.

It is a four day festival — scheduled between July 19 and 22. It will consist of over 100 stalls spread across 24,000 sq ft space. Various brands and products from leading manufacturers will be available during the event, notwithstanding the special offers, thus throwing open an opportunity for the entire family to in indulge in some great shopping experience.

Source: Business Line, DT. July 17, 2013.

Quote of the day

In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.…

__________Gautam Buddha