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Rath Yatra in New Jersey

NJ (US), July 11, 2013India's yearly festival, Rath Yatra, commemorating God Jagannath, his sister Subhadra and brother Balabhadra has made its way to Jersey City with the opening of a new Hindu temple, Shri Satyanarayan, on Kennedy Boulevard between Van Winkle and St. Paul's avenues.

To celebrate, more than 60 people paraded in the area of Jersey City's Little India tonight with small dolls of the deities in a hand-crafted chariot that was later brought back to the temple.

Transporting the lords from one temple to another God's temple in the blessed chariot is a representation of divinity.

"This is a very spiritual festival," said devotee Kshitish Pradhan.

A Hindu service and buffet followed the parade.

Source: The Times New Jersey, DT. July 11, 2013.

Quote of the day

Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.…

__________Paramahansa Yogananda