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Prabhatha Sukthi:


April 18, 2014: Mooshika Vaahana Modhaka Hastha Chaamara 
Karna Vilambitha Suthra Vaamana Roopa 
Maheshwara Puthra Vigna Vinaayaka Paadha Namasthey

Meaning: He who has the mouse as the vahana, He who always keeps Modhak, He who has ears that resemble a hand held fan, He who wears a chain-like ornament around his waist, He who is short stature, He who is the son of Lord Maheshwara. O! Lord Vinayaka who is all the above and he who removes all impediments(vignas), We worship your Divine Feet

Quote of the day

In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.…

__________Gautam Buddha