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Shiva Stotram by Agasthya - Agasthya Krutha Shiva stotram

Shiva Stotram by Agasthya
Agasthya Krutha Shiva stotram 

Sage Agasthya 

(Here is grand prayer of utter simplicity from sage Agasthya) 

1.Adhya may saphalam janma cha sdhya may thwam paramthapa, 
Adhya may saphalam jnanam Shambho thwath Pada adharath. 

2,Krutharthoham, krutharthoham , Krutharthoham, Maheswara, 
adhya they pada padmasya darsanath Bhakthavathsala 
3.Shiva Shambhu , Shiva, shiva, Shiva, Shambhu, Shiva, Shiva, 
Ithi Vyaaharatho nithyam Dhinaanyaanthu yanthu may. 
4.Shiva Bhakthi , shiva Bhakthi , Shiva Bhakthi Bhave bhave, 
Sadaa bhooyath, sadaa bhooyath, sadaa bhooyaath sunischala, 
5.Vayan-m dhanyaa, vayam dhanyaa, vayam dhanyaa Jagat thraye, 
Aadhi devo , mahadevo yadasmath kula deivatham. 
6.Hara Shambho Maha deva, Viswesa amaro vathsala, 
Shiva sankara sarvathman , Neela kanda Namosthuthe.

Quote of the day

The life of an uneducated man is as useless as the tail of a dog which neither covers its rear end, nor protects it from the bites of insects.…
